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澳門勞工子弟學校 |
基於石墨烯污泥混合凈水的研究 |
A research base on the Graphene & sludge’s water purification capability |
郭晉文、甘正熙、方瀚東 |
梁亦星 |
在這個經濟和工業飛速發展的時代下,人類對工廠的需求越來越高,光在珠江三角洲地區,就有大大小小近千家的工廠。工廠的數量正在急劇增加,伴隨著的污水排放量也在不斷上升。據統計,中國從2011年的2891座汙水處理廠到2016年的3552座汙水處理廠,說明我國對污水問題越來越重視。目前,污水治理主要是運用傳統技術如截汙納管、面源控制、人工增氧、清水補給等手段,但是這些不僅耗費大量財力和人力,且不環保。據統計,我國污水治理規模將達到7000億元,雖然汙水處理廠數量在不斷增加,但是卻和城市的污水日處理能力不成正比且效果很難馬上體現。 現時,澳門半島污水處理廠每日最高處理量為144,000立方米,據統計局資料指,2009年起已連續六年超過其承載力。2014年,日均入廠污水量為159,955立方米,當中過半數污水未經正常的生物處理,對生態環境造成了毀滅性的影響,才想到利用活性污泥法和新技術石墨烯光催化技術來過濾大量污水。 水資源與社會、經濟發展息息相關,然而當前污水處理以及重復利用率仍然存在低效率、低利用率、處理費用高等問題。 為此,我們需要一個經濟效益高、環保、同時可以確保再利用率以及淨水效率的淨水裝置來達成我們的目的。
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澳門大學附屬應用學校 |
天然可食用秋葵黏合劑 |
夏達莎、蘇靖嵐 |
黃嘉文 |
Idea of Work— I’ve realized that nowadays, lots of students especially those in kindergarten use glue during their arts & craft class. This has caused parent to worry about their child’s safety, for example they may be in contact with harmful chemicals found in glues or their child may eat the glue
Solutions— make a natural edible homemade to ease the anxiousness of the public.
Experiment Materials— glutinous rice; okra; plastic container; white wine; rock sugar
Experiment Procedure
Glutinous rice adhesive:
Cook the glutinous rice (2 cup rice : 1 cup of water), once it’s fully cooked add in 40-80ml of water
Use a blender and blend it
Use a sieve to make sure your mixture doesn’t have any unblended rice
*the stickiness of the adhesive should be tested by drawing a figure “8” in it, the figure “8” should be remain its shape*
Extraction of Okra mucilage:
Add 40ml of water to a container
Chop the okra into small pieces and place it in the container overnight
Use a sieve to make sure your mixture doesn’t have any bits of the okra
Edible Glue Mixture: Preservation:
Add in 160ml of white wine, 320ml of water and 20g of rock sugar in a pan
Mix it in the stove with small fire for about 30mins
Skin Test— this test was done on a group of people with different age and skin sensitivity level. The results are: on the majority, people had no skin reaction with the glue once I added the white wine and rock sugar mixture, on the minority; some had a slight reaction with the alcohol in the white wine on the glue.
*If you have slight reaction with the preservative in the glue, simply storing it in the fridge can preserve it too.
Experiment Result
Compared with other brands of adhesive found in the market, it is shown that the time required for the full-drying of my glue is not the best, but it is in the relatively good range, and its adhesive ability is very similar with the white glue found in the market but my glue is more advantageous because it not only avoids the use of possible harmful chemical, but it also doesn’t have an unpleasant smell to it, and more importantly my glue is natural, skin safe and edible.
The first group I promoted my glue is with children, because they enjoy arts & crafts, and they were the ones that gave me the inspiration to make my natural and edible glue. In the process of using my glue, they were very curious in the way I made it with all natural ingredients, I was glad to see them use it and even more happy with the way my invention has spark a fire for science and curiosity in their hearts.
Mix the glutinous rice adhesive with the extracted okra mucilage
I separated the mixture into 3 groups, by parts of either the glutinous rice adhesive or okra mucilage added.
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嘉諾撒聖心英文中學 |
農夫小助手 |
Helper Farmer |
鄭穎瑤、葉曉欣、李愷桐 |
歐健朗 |
Nowadays, most of the people are placing pots of plants in their homes for decorations, or even for vegetations. However, not many of us have time to take care of them because of their busy schedule on jobs and studies, as well as when they are on a long trip. Based on this issue, we have the idea of our project—Helper Farmer. Our Helper Farmer is a kind of intelligent machine which aims to help in farms and homes without the need of manpower for taking care of the plant. It can irrigate and fertilise the plant automatically whenever the sensors sense that the plant needs water or fertilizer. It can also observe the environment and weather condition in order to provide suitable protection and coverage. Last but not least, our Helper Farmer have a auto-harvesting system which can measure the height of the crops and plants thus to harvest the crops in the appropriate time.
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澳門大學附屬應用學校 |
自適應智慧巡檢系統在綜合管廊智慧運維管理中的應用 |
Application of Adaptive Supporting Intelligent Inspection System in Intelligent Operation & Maintenance of Integrated Pipeline |
張浩朗、曹泳妍、孫善翠 |
林炎龍 |
智慧巡檢系統作為一種高效可靠的管道工具設備,可以代替人工完成管道的檢測、清理等作業需求,被廣泛應用於石油與天然氣、化工、城市給排水等領域。該 智能巡檢系統根據模組化、輕量化的設計理念,對智能巡檢系統整體結構進行了設計。驅動輪採用徑向輻射狀形式,採用6輪單獨變徑、6輪單獨驅動的方案,配合智慧控制系統,智慧巡檢系統可以具有更高的靈活性和適應性。3組驅動輪呈120°周向均勻分佈。智慧巡檢系統前後兩部分為完全對稱結構,整體採用前後3+3的佈局形式。可以根據驅動輪與管壁之間的正壓力,自動調整變徑機構,主動適應管道直徑變化。管徑適應範圍為250mm-450mm。
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慈幼中學 |
N/A |
Detection of eye diseases by using improved deep learning approach |
王智康、王寅傑 |
吳心琳 |
Our project is to use Deep-learning algorithm (commonly known as A.I artificial intelligence) to spot the signs of pathological myopia (It is an eye disease evolved from high myopia which can cause damage to our vision and it is hard to be detected) and determine whether the patient have pathological myopia or not. Our program is based on the coding platform, Python. It runs on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) which is commonly used in image analysis and is a type of deep-learning algorithm. CNN makes use of the images provided by dividing them into a single pixel with specific color (from 0 to 255) and analyze them randomly to look for their characteristics. It determines the result according to the characteristics and the labels of the images. Our program is capability in image analysis especially when it has to cope with large amount of data and images (big data) and its result is more accurate than using human eyes.
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澳門培正中學 |
衍生自沸石咪唑酯骨架的雙功能氧還原催化劑及在鋅空氣電池中的應用 |
Development of Bifunctional Catalyst based on Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework‐derived Cobalt Phosphosulfide Nanoparticles Encapsulated into P, S, N Tri-doped Carbon and its application in Zinc-air battery |
胡鈞再、梁子浩 |
陳家綱 |
鋅空氣電池(ZAB)與現今被普遍應用的鋰離子電池相比具有高能量密度、低成本和環保的優點,因此近年來在電化學界中引起了廣泛的研究興趣。在鋅空氣電池及其他可充電和初級金屬空氣電池中,用於氧還原反應(ORR)和析氧反應(OER)的電極催化劑對其運作表現起著必不可少的的關鍵作用。因此,為了使鋅空氣電池商業普及化,用於氧還原反應(ORR)和析氧反應(OER)的高活性電極催化劑是必不可少的。目前,鉑和鈀是最有效的ORR電催化劑,但它們的高成本和蘊含量稀少極大地阻礙了它們的大規模應用。在本研究中,我們研發了一種高性能電催化劑,把衍生自沸石咪唑酯骨架(ZIF-67)的鈷納米粒子嵌入氮摻雜碳(Co@NC)經過硫化及磷化過程後所得的硫化磷鈷納米粒子嵌入氮硫磷摻雜多孔碳催化劑(CoPS@SPNC)。CoPS@SPNC電催化劑表現出可比得上鉑金的電催化活性(在1 mA cm-2的穩定電流下展現出1.415 V的放電電壓, 在2 mA cm-2的穩定電流下展現出0.20 V的低過電位,在1.0 V的電壓展現出20 mA cm-2的高電流密度及在0.518 V的電壓下展現出25.9 mW cm-2的功率密度)以及在實際應用中的高穩定性(在12個小時,36個循環後沒有明顯的性能下降)。
- 研發了一種新穎的氧氣還原催化劑(CoPS@SPNC),通過硫化及磷化衍生自沸石咪唑酯骨架(ZIF-67)的鈷納米粒子嵌入氮摻雜碳(Co@NC)所得的硫化磷鈷納米粒子嵌入氮硫磷摻雜多孔碳催化劑(CoPS@SPNC)
- 首次把CoPS納米粒子嵌入進衍生自沸石咪唑酯骨架的催化劑;
- 首次把CoPS@SPNC應用於鋅空氣電池中;
- 在本研究中用作測試的鋅空氣電池為自主設計並印製的;
Zinc-air batteries (ZABs) have recently drawn wide interest in electrochemistry because of their high energy density, low cost, and environmental friendliness compared to the lithium-ion batteries which have been applied ubiquitously in contemporary society. To commercialize zinc-air batteries, a highly active electrode catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essential owing to its critical role in the operation of rechargeable and primary metal-air batteries. In this paper, we propose a high-performance electrocatalyst consists of cobalt phosphosulfide (CoPS) nanoparticles encapsulated with S, P, N-tri-doped carbon (CoPS@SPNC) derived from zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 (ZIF-67) by a sulfidation and phosphating process of the optimized carbonized Co nanoparticles embedded N-doped carbon (Co@NC). The as-obtained CoPS@SPNC electrocatalyst exhibits a discharge voltage of 1.415 V at 1 mA cm-2, a low overpotential of 0.20 V at 2 mA cm−2, a high current density of 20 mA cm-2 at 1.0 V , a high power density 25.9 mW cm-2 at 0.518 V and a superb stability in long-term operation which no obvious performance degradation is observed after 36 cycles, respectively.